The Most Effective
Marketing Actions
Work Together
We've all seen it. A company puts out an ad that says one thing, flyers that say another and the company name and logo promote an entirely different concept. What do people think when they hear of this product? They don't remember…there were too many different messages. What a waste of marketing dollars!
We all know the old adage, "United we stand, divided we fall." In the battle for the heart and wallet of your customer, your soldiers are your logo and letterhead, slogans, ads, flyers, emails, social networking sites, your website, etc. Once you have worked out the image you want your customers and potential customers to have, then all your soldiers need to be saying the same thing. After all, your competitors have soldiers out there too.
We can help you identify what your promotions are telling people now, put your finger on exactly what you want to say and then develop a coordinated campaign that wins these battles for you.

We play to win
We don't just "do the usual" and hope our clients succeed; meanwhile burning up their marketing dollars. We're passionate about the success of our clients.
Once you sign up with us, you're family. We go above and beyond the expected and help you achieve the best results possible. Your marketing dollars will be used in the most effective way they can be. We look out for you.

Our Proposals Contain The Complete Package
Caspian Services offers you an initial complimentary consultation. We listen to your goals for the business and the story of your progress toward those goals. Then, we collect and analyze the rest of the information we need and estimate what it will take for your business to reach its goal.
Next, we provide you with a complete proposal that incorporates every aspect of what it will take. We can provide the surveys, market research, branding and PR positioning, copy writing, logo, letterhead and web design, direct mail campaigns and email campaigns, Search Engine Optimization with Google Adwords; the works! Your business may need many or few of these services. As always, it will depend on your goal and your budget.