More people are using mobile devices to access the Internet than ever before. Hand held devices are not just for gaming anymore. More people use their mobile phone to access the Internet than to play games.
Mary Meeker of Morgan Stanley reports an overwhelming trend in more mobile usage, and predicts that within the next five years “more users will connect to the Internet over mobile devices than desktop PCs.”
We all know where we are headed. The question is, is your business ready?
Having your business website mobile ready would be a key part of your marketing plan.
Caspian Services can help your business become mobile friendly. Our content management system allows you to have a full featured, SEO friendly website that is also optimized for the mobile phones (see screen shots).
The mobile version of your site will have dramatic improvements in load times, up to 5x times faster than the regular site shown to desktop visitors.
Your site will automatically transform into a mobile application experience when viewed from popular touch-based smartphones like iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Palm Pre/Pixi, and BlackBerry Storm. Over 90% (and growing!) of the mobile-web surfing world will see your incredible mobile website.
You will also have access to edit and update your site on your own smartphone, with apps available for Android, iPhone and Blackberry. Post to your blog, manage photos all on your mobile device.