6 Spring Marketing Ideas & Tips

Spring Marketing Ideas & Tips For Your Business

Spring is in the air! Now, is the perfect time to start thinking about a few exciting Spring marketing ideas for your business. If you need a little inspiration, stick around – we have put together some fun ideas for Spring marketing campaigns, and we are sharing them with you today!

  1.  Run a fun contest:  There are some great holidays in the Spring that are perfect for marketing opportunities. (for example – St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mothers Day, Cinco De Mayo, and Earth Day). A super fun, engaging and effective marketing activity is to run a Facebook contest around these holidays.  You can award a prize to match the holiday and it’s a great way to connect with your customers, introduce your brand to new people and to build your email list. You can run simple contests like a “Guess how many jelly beans are in the jar” photo in your Facebook timeline or run a contest where your fans participate like uploading images of their Egg decorating skills or asking a question like, “What does Mothers Day mean to you?” People love to win stuff – and even if they can’t win something – they want to participate and guess!
  2. Work the tax season into your marketing & use tax incentives: Springtime = Tax time. It is a great idea to incorporate tax themes into your marketing strategy for the Spring. March and April are an ideal time for your customers to use some of their tax refunds to pay for your products or services. Incentivize them by offering a coupon good for the weeks around the 15th to allow adequate time to use their refund.
  3.  Go outdoors: With the first days of Spring weather, people come out in droves. They want to start spending time outside and will look for outdoor events to enjoy with friends and family. Create an event that will attract members of your community. Organize a sidewalk sale, partner with your local business related to your industry/niche and create an outdoor event where people from the community can meet you and get a taste of your products and services. Or, have a community picnic/barbeque at your location or an open space like a nearby park. Invite your customers as a way to thank them for their loyalty and business. Include some fun games (watermelon or pie eating contest or water balloon fun), giveaways and raffles, if you can. (An Easter bunny or egg-hunt is never a “bad” idea – hint hint).
  4. Attend and participate in local events: Make sure to set your sights on nearby Spring hotspots like local festivals, farmers markets, outdoor shopping areas, and nearby parks etc. Bring flyers (and/or small marketing samplers) to pass out. You can even find out how to rent a booth at the event or location and hand out items like water bottles featuring your company’s logo or run a contest that collects contact information in return for a chance to win a prize. Follow up with customers once the festival/event is over.
  5.  Spring cleaning: People might be trying to get rid of some things at their house to de-clutter or make room for new items. But, your business probably is too! Take advantage of the spring cleaning thing and use new signage to promote some items or products that didn’t perform as well as you’d like. Give them another chance to be sold and help you do some winter inventory cleaning.
  6. Rewards system: Spring is seen as a time of renewal. It’s a great time to reach out to those who might be in your rewards program or just send a reminder to past customers to thank them for their business and invite them back using some sales incentives. Use signage to promote your rewards programs and renew your connection with your customer base.

Have you started planning your Springtime marketing? What fun ideas do you have, that you can share? Let us know!

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