Your customers are gems! If they have a great experience with your business, they will remain loyal to you. Also, they are your most valuable resource for obtaining new customers, their word of mouth marketing is the best free marketing you can have! You need to make sure that you are treating your customers right and always letting them know that you appreciate them. Today we are going over 6 ways to thank your customers which you can use throughout the year.
Thank You Card
The art of writing a “thank you” card has slowly diminished – in the age of email. You can really stand out by sending a handwritten card to say thanks and drop it in the mail!
Referral Gift
If you have customers who are always referring you and have given you business, you need to thank them! Let them know you appreciate the new business they sent you by sending them a small ($5 – $10) Starbucks gift card, a small product of yours that you think they may like (could also be in the $5 range), or a gift card/coupon code for your own products/services. Make sure to keep track of who is referred to you and by whom – and come up with a rewards system. This is as simple as asking new customers “how did you hear about us?”
Add to their order
If you have a customer placing a large order, or someone who places multiple orders, for products or even for services – surprise them with a freebie. Throw in a few samples, a low priced item you sell, or a low priced free service they can use. It is an inexpensive way for you to give them one more thing you know they’ll love.
Give Them First Dibs
When you are launching a new product or service – it is always nice to give your loyal customers first dibs! Let them know that they are your VIPs and you value their business. Pre-launch it to your customers – whether its the first look, first option to buy or both!
Show them you care
This one is obviously more for the smaller business who knows their customers or is in touch with them (like on social media or community pages). Many smaller businesses tend to know their community and customers well. If you know that one of your customers is going through a hard time, send them a note and let them know that you wish them the best. That simple gesture can mean the world to them. You can also do this for celebratory events – is it their birthday? Are their children getting married? Did they graduate? Congratulate them! Sending your best wishes in good or bad times is always appreciated.
Do you have a special way that you thank your customers? Let us know in the comments below – we would love to hear your thoughts!