As we all know by now, video is crucial in digital marketing. While Facebook and Instagram are improving their video experience, the leader still remains YouTube. However, it can be difficult to get seen on YouTube with the billions of videos that are already there. So, are there secrets to ranking on YouTube? You bet ‘cha! SEO plays an important role and today we are going over a few YouTube SEO statistics that will change the way you upload your videos and will help you get seen!
Viewers & Watch Time
YouTube currently has 1.5 Billion active monthly users – if you are a business owner you want to create interesting videos so you can capture a part of this audience. You can drive sales and build a fan base if you do it right.
More views do result in better ranking and possibly getting found in “suggested videos”. Share your videos – often – get them seen.
Make your videos FUN to watch – the time a person spends watching your video matters. If they are skipping through it or watching only one part, YouTube will lower its ranking because they think this video is not something people enjoy watching!
YouTube reaches more 18-49 year olds than any cable network in the US.
Longer videos out rank shorter videos. However, don’t make too many videos that are too long and may become boring. 5 -10 minutes is a good start – if your content requires longer videos, that’s perfectly fine – but make it FUN and INTERESTING. Keep them captivated.
20% of people who start your video will leave after the first 10 seconds – keep them engaged – create GOOD content!
Comments, Likes, Shares & Subscribers
Comments do influence ranking. The more comments – the more rankings. Make sure you are asking your viewers to leave a comment (with questions etc) and make sure you are responding to those comments as well (creating engagement and more comments). This works amazingly well with YouTube live videos as well.
Your “like” count matters. If you have more likes on a video, YouTube will take that into account in rankings – again, ALWAYS ask your viewers to LIKE your video.
The number of shares a video generates results in higher first page rankings!
Videos that result in people “subscribing” will get that advantage in YouTube search rankings! Always ask your views to like, comments and SUBSCRIBE!
Videos with exact match keywords in their titles have an edge over those that don’t. Do your keyword research before finalizing your video and make sure you are using them in titles.
Start your videos by stating what the video is about (also using keywords). When YouTube transcribes the videos it will add this to your ranking factor.
Your video description should include keywords and keyword phrases. Especially if its a topic that has tons of videos on YouTube already (topics). A better description will help you outrank the others. Also – always add your website info and social media info in the description! Let viewers know they can find your info in the description box!

Start Making Videos!
Stop worrying about what people will think and start making videos! You don’t always have to be in front of a camera to make interesting content. Watch different videos – see what people are doing and what’s working and brainstorm your content ideas! The time people spend watching YouTube (even streaming it on their TV) has more than doubled in the past year! Take advantage of the large audience! Don’t worry if at first you are not seen or found. Keep creating content and use SEO!
Do you have a YouTube channel started? Let us know and leave us a link! We would love to check it out!